Apiary Supply Co was founded in 2022 by beekeepers headquarted in central Kansas with operations throughout Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas. By bringing together decades of experience and passion, we are fulfilling a shared dream of providing a diverse offering of quality beekeeping equipment and supplies to the central United States.
Individually, the members of this venture have had great success supplying products and knowledge to countless satisfied customers across many generations. Together, they are able to provide an expanded selection at higher quality and better pricing. As a group, we have the added advantage of an enhanced avenue for testing out the latest gadgets and innovations allowing us to better weed out the gimmicks from the necessities.
Through our support of local beekeepers, we hope to build a community that is passionate about the beloved Kansas state insect, the Honey Bee. For it is only though a passionate community that the Honey Bee will not only survive but thrive.
Whether you are a seasoned beekeeper or just starting out, we are happy that you are here with us on this journey to discover the true marvels of the Honey Bee.